Angel Emil Peralta

Actor, Model, Creative Writter, Photographer. Curently studying Literature and Liberal Arts.

I was born in a little Venezuelan village called La Victoria, where I grew up on a humble house. I spent my childhood surrounded by life, love, nature and family. As a child I always knew I wanted to do something different, something my family and I could be proud of one day.
I had a passion for Theater, Literature Photography and fashion from a very young age,and I always wanted to do what I love.
I've always wanted to be a different person. A person who can see more than we can see at implicit.

Despite the down-profile life I lead, I’m still happiest and most comfortable hiding away on a beach with a good pair of sunglasses, soft sand and some Reggae or Bossanova music. I love exploring exercise and nutrition, finding new ways to keep my body in top shape. I love multiculturalism, India, Brazil and to feel. I am a fan about to feel.
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