Angelica Garcia

Ghostwriter, Photographer, Writer

Communicate your message through images and words.

I have a Bachelor degree in journalism, an AAS in Digital Art and I am finishing a Master degree in Digital Communication, as well as I am a certificated yoga instructor in Hatha, restorative and Vinyasa yoga. The lasts years I have been working in the area of social media for different startups companies, specializing in creating visual and writing content for them. I had worked as a journalist for multiple companies worldwide, creating content in the areas of science, health, environment and culture.

Content Types
Article, Interview, Press Release, Blog Post, Illustration
More Information
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Master's in Digital Communication and Digital Journalism
Moraine Valley Community College, Associate in Applied Science degree in Digital Art and Design
Universidad Latinoamericana, Bachelor's in Journalism
Maastricht, Netherlands|English, Spanish

Published Content