Cliff Wheeler

Copy Editor, Writer

I like creating writing that's clear, concise, warm, and human. We should see the world with a sense of wonder, but not wonder what someone's writing means.

I was born on the Oregon coast, but later moved to the Midwest where I grew up and went to college. I never lost my love, however, for discovering treasures on the beach, and the sound of the ocean continued to beckon me with its siren song.

I began writing stories in when I was in second grade and fell in love with the Chronicles of Narnia shortly after (or maybe before. I don't know what came first). I have been a teacher (college), writer for a business journal, consultant for an education company, and tutor. Mostly, I enjoy traveling, learning languages, meeting new people, going for a walk or run, cooking a good meal, drinking coffee and talking about ideas with a friend. And most of all . . . I love my family.
Content Types
Article, Ebook, Presentation, Direct Mail, Blog Post
More Information
Illinois State University, Bachelor's
Lincoln Christian University, Bachelor's
University of Illinois-Springfield, Master's
Boise, ID, USA|English

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