Content Strategist

Feel like your digital marketing strategy isn't quite working? Let me show you how to connect PROFITABLY with your tribe

I’m thrilled to be consideed for your next marketing project!

There are three reasons why I would be a perfect fit:

First, I’m slightly obsessed with just about every aspect of digital marketing. I read, watch and listen to new content almost every morning, noon, night and weekend - I even have business podcasts on my iphone when I go to the gym!

Second, I have decades of real world experience as a Senior Sales and Marketing Manager here in London. I managed a large B2B team of National Account Managers at Starbucks’ UK Head Office, working with some of the largest companies in the world (including most of the major banks and financial institutions). This ensures that underneath the digital parameters of the project, I have a sound understanding of strategy, service, value, quality, and the fundamental components of the customer journey.

Third — and most importantly — I have invested significantly to ensure I am adequately qualified and up to speed with the rapidly evolving world of digital. Over the last year and a half, I have skilled up in all aspects of digital to add to my more traditional business experience. As well as completing my postgraduate degree in Digital Marketing and my Squared Online qualification from Google’s expert marketing program, I have full certification from digitalmarketer(dot) com in the following fields:

- Conversion Funnels & Customer Value Optimization
- Content Marketing Mastery
- Paid Traffic & Customer Acquisition Mastery
- Email Marketing Mastery
- Social & Community Management
- Search Marketing Mastery
- Marketing Analytics & Data Science
- Testing & Conversion Science
- Certified Ecommerce Marketing Specialist
- Certified Copywriting Specialist
- Certified Community Management Specialist

This all means that I have a very solid digital marketing "playbook" which I can use to implement solid, tried and trusted campaigns and strategies for you. I have detailed, comprehensive templates for designing and implementing a full Customer Value Optimization growth plan which can provide professional set up of all stages of your conversion funnel. This includes determining product market fit, creating a statement of value, and then meticulously planning out all aspects of Lead Magnet, Tripwire, Core Offer, Profit Maximizer, Return Path etc. .

A full email "machine" can even be set up and managed to ensure customers are professionally led through Indoctrination, Engagement, Ascension, Segmentation and Re-engagement.

I think you’ll find my background and experience would be a real asset to your company, and I’m ready to hit the ground running.

Many thanks for your consideration and please let me know if you have any questions.

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London, UK|English

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