Damon Vickers New York, NY


Author of New York Times Bestseller

Damon Vickers from New York is the author of New York Times Bestseller, " The Day After The Dollar Crashes". He enjoys writing and public speaking and has a great interest in music. He attended LaGuardia High School of Music and Art in Harlem, New York where he was a voice major. Vickers also worked at one of the world's most famous and well known music stores, Manny's Music. Outside of his professional career, Damon Vickers loves being outdoors. His hobbies include fishing, swimming, sailing, and traveling. Over the years, Vickers has visited many interesting places around the world including St John, Martha's Vineyard, Kauai, Poland, Jasper Park, and Yellowstone. Damon Vickers believes strongly in faith and persistence. He believes that with hard work and determination, one person can really make a difference in the world.
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