I like to write, I work freelance mostly, I started my work on a TV channel. I have studied in Master in Journalism, and Masters in Accounts and Law Groups on the other side, there is also a good sports person. I also like writing on travelling and cooking. And sometimes I write some sketches about the world. I started my work from electronic media. Then worked in print media after that. I had a good offer in print media, so I had started in my career in this print media Journalism is my passion and my challenging career. In this professionally and dynamically managed by myself and fully utilize my skills and education for not only my personal development, but it also is an internal part of the organization and its growth. My work is to give the information, ideas and views through the mass media to a large segment of the population at the same time. Journalism of mass communication is chiefly concerned with how the content of mass communication persuades or otherwise affects the behaviour, attitude, opinion or emotion of the person or people receiving the information.