Gordon J.

Copywriter, Ghostwriter, Writer

Clear, honest, no spin content for worthwhile brands and causes

I bring six and a half decades of a full rich life to my writing.Raised on a small farm in Western Pennsylvania, my rural upbringing influences me to this day.
When I went off to college I thought I would be a minister or a teacher. Instead, I ended up pursuing a career in Human Services; working, primarily with mentally challenged populations.

I pursued this path for more than two decades, working for several organizations in various capacities. This was followed by nearly 15 years as a pest control technician which involved extensive travel throughout northern New England. The best part was the opportunity to get to know a wide variety of different people from many walks of life..

Beside those two main occupational paths I have worked as a landscape laborer, a fast food restaurant worker, and a produce department grocery store employee.

For the past four years I have been on disability because of significant health issues. The silver lining on this discouraging cloud has been the opportunity to pursue a long time, often dormant, but never abandoned, love of writing.

My intent is to be an honest, persuasive writer. If you are looking for someone to appeal to the weaknesses and baser aspects of human nature to make a sale I am not your guy. But if your product or cause has value, and you need someone to champion it accurately and enthusiastically please contact me.

Let's see if we can work together.

Content Types
Guide, Article, Ebook, Case Study, Interview, Direct Mail, Blog Post, Email Newsletter
More Information
Antioch University, Masters of Human Services Administration
Grove City College, BA (Communication Arts
Keene, NH, USA|English

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