Jayde Taylor


A Fitness Enthusiast with a passion for writing and teaching others the benefits of health and wellness.

A few years ago I decided to changed my lifestyle completely. I always struggled with my weight growing up; No I wasn't overweight, quite the opposite actually. I've always been very small; now that may not sound like a problem to most but it was a huge one for me. I never worried to much about it and managed to brush off all negative comments when I was in high school. I always knew I was skinny and I just figured there wasn't much I could do to change it. So I made a decision to train for a bodybuilding show. I mean why not? What would I lose in the process, well other than potentially falling on my face and embarrassing myself but its fine.

In 2014 I made that decision and in 2015 I won my procard at my very first national show. Since then I have been trying to use my platform to teach others how to love themselves enough to make a change for the better. I didn't realize how unhealthy I was until I became healthy. I didn't realize how miserable I was until I started to see what being happy was like.

Now I compete usually about once a year and I also run a restaurant as the District Manager. I have a strong work ethic and I know whatever I put my mind to is possible. I openly use the power of the Law of Attraction in my everyday routine and I am consistently growing and working to better not only myself but the other people that surround me.
Content Types
Candid Photography, General Photo, General Video, Explainer Video, Blog Post, Email Newsletter
More Information
Middle Tennessee State University, n/a
Murfreesboro, TN, USA|English

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