Jeff Seide

Sports-LIfestyle-Human Stories

I'm a Creative Director/Writer. I'm a husband and a dad. An observer. A problem solver. A figure outerer. And a storyteller.

There's a saying: if you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I try to bring a tool box to every assignment. Whether it be film, TV, Facebook, or stunt marketing, the solution always starts with a simple idea.

I enjoy creating stories that engage people. The most powerful brands are those that help the customer define his or her own identity.

The most impressive thing I've helped create, without a doubt, are my two daughters who have had me wrapped around their fingers since the day they were born.

Outside of work, I love hockey and live for my family's annual week-long vacation in Ocean City, NJ, where we immerse ourselves in sand, rides and way too much ice cream.
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