John Willkom


Tell the truth and be accountable

John Willkom is an ecommerce executive that enjoys writing in his free time. John's book, Walk-On Warrior, became a #1 best-seller on Amazon shortly after it was published in 2018. Passionate about basketball from a young age, John has continued to write freelance articles for basketball-related web sites, as well as sharing best practices for sales, ecommerce, Amazon, advertising, etc. through Medium, LinkedIn, and on podcasts. John's philosophy has always been to write about things that he's passionate about, and his ability to combine real world experience, research & data, and an opinion on a particular topic makes John's work worth reading. John, his wife, Allison, and their daughter, Avery, currently reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Content Types
Product Description, Blog Post, Ad/Promotional Copy
More Information
Loyola University Chicago, MBA
Marquette University, Bachelor's of Science
Minneapolis, MN, USA|English
