José Manuel Miana

Copywriter, Editor, Graphic Designer, Writer

I taylor my writing to what I need at each moment.

Everyone is like a book with a story to tell. Through our existence, we also write together the story of this world full of stories. And here is mine:

My name is Jose. I’m a Spaniard with a strong curiosity for everything. I have been this way since I can remember — since when I jumped off my cradle to see what would happen.
I write about several things, like health and fitness, psychology, self-development (do not mistake it with self-help), psychology, and sometimes politics. Now I also do a lot of humor; It was to be expected.

Over the time, I have developed different writing styles I can use depending on the situation. I can be more or less humorous, use more or fewer words, use formal language or more colloquial. It’s all in the needs.
Content Types
Guide, Article, Product Description, Landing Page, Website Copy, Blog Post, Illustration, Graphic
More Information
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, English Studies
Pedro Cerrada, Trade degree in Automotive
Zaragoza, Spain|English, Spanish

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