Kevin Smith


Your Creative Writer, Just 4U

Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith 03132020

(615} 608 - 8457
Mustang Contractors, Nashville Tn — Sharp Shooter
October 1991 - February 1998
My work consists of me looking at the blueprints and correcting the problem at hand and writing out what and way the blueprints didn’t comply with the building of the project.
Texas Adjustors, Based in Texas but worked in Florida — Claim Adjustor
February 1998 - April 2010
My work required that I would go out in the field o where the damage was located and take digital pictures of the house, measure it with a measuring tape, write it all out and then download the info and a written summary of everything, step by step. The next day the mane office would fax me a check for the owner of the house.

Freelance Contractor, LOCATION Anywhere I choose — Writer and Researcher
April 2011 { still at it to this day and on }
My work is clear, I write short reviews, research info, creative articles in different fields of the business world. I write poetry as well and some times I write the translation for others in need.

EAST HIGH, Nashville Tn
TSU, Nashville Tn
1983 and 1984, Two years of Precollege

Here is a peace of my work

Home » Internet and Businesses Online

True Knowledge Is Simply the Key When Starting a Business
By Kevin J Smith I
There is help for everyone, from start to finish when it is about starting a business. And everyone can have and keep very good well to do business. Yes, anyone can do great in whatever they choose to start a business in. The key to it all is simply knowledge, yes knowledge is the only way to go. But it takes the right knowledge to make it happen, good strong unmoving knowledge. And to get it will take research on your part and do not be OK with whatever you have looked up. Test the knowledge that you have researched and see if it can stand up with other people understanding of what you have. Remember you are looking for the truth, the complete full understanding of the knowledge that you seek. Do not stop till you have 100% of it.
Knowledge is greater than money will ever be and will be around when everything is gone. Knowledge is the future because it is what you need to go forward in life. They say it takes money to make money. Do you believe that If you said yes then you are clearly wrong and learned a lie? It took the knowledge to make money and it takes knowledge to know how to use it. Have you heard of the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer It is true, only because of a lack of knowledge? Do not chase the money, go after the knowledge and everything will fall into place as far as the money is concerned. When you take action with what you learn then you will know how far you can really go with what you know. And if it is not enough then do not worry about it, just go get more of the facts of knowledge to keep moving forward.
You can not have real freedom until you have real peace. And you can not have real peace till you have real understanding. And you can not have real understanding til you have real knowledge. Not money or anything else, this is real life so your business must be part of real life, for it to become a real business. Then after you have put your heart into it the right way, you can now be a master at helping others in what you now know. But remember that a great master is always a great student, always. And a great student is always an open mind, always.
I believe in helping others get that help. As long as there is good strong knowledge, there is a great future to have. Knowledge is understanding and understanding brings peace, and true peace is real freedom. If you really need to start, stop by today.


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East High, Some college

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