Laura Sanchez is a Literature and Spanish teacher who has developed a deep interest in the literature phenomena which makes her has a two career path, the first one mentioned before, and the second one as a writer in a creative and academic sense. Her articles and samples have been published for the Venezuelan magazine "Tierra de Letras" and the Colombian cultural bulletin "Con-fabulación" as well as in the current ones his literary work is published in the "Club de escritura Fuentetaja" in Barcelona. She has earned a Bachelors degree in Humanities and a Master Degree in Hispanoamerican Literature, in which she has managed to discard herself with a work of degree in creation, which derived in her poems "El don de Eludir" published in 2018 and a thesis work of comparative literature between two of her contemporary literary icons Chantal Maillard and Piedad Bonnett. Learn more about her in visiting her website 2019.