Lisa Mather

A dyslexic writer who have over one more challenges than you can Imagine

What I write about list, the only problem is well it changes all the time, i have a passion for learning, i have to be learning something new all the time one of the draw backs of dyslexia.

I love marine biology sharks, fish coral and much more, sharks scare the life out of me but I would cage dive in a heart beat they are majestic creatures, corals amaze me these little creatures there colours there fighting habits with other corals, fish So if been asked to put this list together of my top ten well that changes all the time, I love marine biology sharks, fish coral and much more
The ocean well it's wet ha but again something that intrigues me.
Astronomy the stars, galaxy's space ships, black holes and much more.
Naughty dogs I have a labdoodle and he's a naughty dog tips and tricks to calm your dog down, dealing with flees, slobbering and much more.
Deep sea diving and the creatures you find.
Living with dyslexia and how it impacts your life
Living with PCOS how it affects your hormones and what you goes through. How people with this struggle to conceive a baby, the emotions weight gain and affects
The ocean well it's wet ha but again something that intrigues me, the marinara trench, callanger deep. what more can you ask for.
Astronomy the stars, galaxy's space ships, black holes and much more.
Naughty dogs I have a labdoodle and he's a naughty dog tips and tricks to calm your dog down, dealing with flees, slobbering and much more.
Deep sea diving and the creatures you find.
Living with dyslexia and how it impacts your life
Living with PCOS how it affects your hormones and what you goes through. How people with this struggle to conceive a baby, the emotions weight gain and affects of this life changing illness.
Ancient Egyptians mummies, pharaohs, gods, goddesses and tomb robbers I learned to read by an Egyptian book and have been hooked on them ever since
Living with being over weight, diets, frustrations, tears and temper tantrums and my journey from my currant weight of 20 stone to my goal weight of 12 stone if just started my journey of a healthy me and I'm sure my story is not one on it's own.

this is my random and diverse list of things I like write about or study.
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