Writer and managing editor with 10 years of experience in content management for corporations and publications
Hi, I'm Maggie! I am a skilled leader, writer and editor with a diverse portfolio in tech, recruiting, healthcare, business and corporate travel. I've also led high-performing content marketing teams by encouraging my writers to harness their most creative voice within the parameters of client requirements and up-to-date SEO recommendations.
I earned a bachelor's degree in linguistics from the University of Georgia with a minor in Spanish, and my appreciation of language extends far beyond English. As you might have guessed, I’m pretty good at Scrabble, and I have the Word of the Day app installed on my phone.
As a freelance professional, I’m working on exciting contracts with a few companies I am very proud to assist. I mostly do freelance writing and editing, but I also love research, product and business development. I’m striving to learn as much as I can as I grow my own business.
Contact me at maggie.mccombs89@gmail.com or 706-980-2028.