Like a flowing water we continue to learn and grow.
Hi there. I am a Certified Public Accountant and a law student. I know, I know, I did not have a degree for Journalism, not even an English major. But, I have this passion in writing. I have been writing short poems since middle school and only share them to my friends. I do some short poems upon request of my friend. I am expert in being heartbroken. Ha! Kidding aside, I write sad and tragic love poem and short stories. I would love to write and try happy ending stories and science fiction.
In my personal writing experience, I am encountering difficulty in ending a story. I mean how could you end a story without being sad. Even a happy ending is a sad ending, no more next chapter and no more engaging with the characters. As a reader of other literary works, the ending is what I want to know and is also what I do not like to come. Who would like to end your favorite fiction? As a writer, I get the exact same feeling.
I bet you already have an idea of what kind of a writer I am. Hope this caught your interest. I am a 'newbie' in professional writing. I don't have published works. Oh, yes I have one. A fan fiction, I am a fan! But I wasn't able to finish that one, the website got updated and I lost my work. Oh well, I did not thought of having a second copy of it. I wrote it on the spot directly to the website. So I learned from it. Anyways, hope to work with you soon!