Michelle Cornish

Content Strategist, Copy Editor, Copywriter, Ghostwriter, Writer

From ledger lines to life lessons, my background in psychology and business come together to provide you with empowering insights.

I have a variety of interests and love writing for tax and accounting professionals as well as business and life coaches. My extensive knowledge of SEO combined with my ability to write engaging material helps you grow your traffic and build your following, creating loyal customers you love to work with. My writing experience includes blog posts, case studies, and ebooks in the B2B, digital marketing, health, and spiritual industries. My formal education includes a BA in psychology and an MBA in accounting. I enjoy writing about mental health, psychology, tax, accounting, and entrepreneurship.
Content Types
Blog Post, Whitepaper, Ebook, Case Study, Ad/Promotional Copy, Infographic, Illustration
More Information
Certified General Accountants of BC Program of Professional Studies, CPA Designation
Laurentian University , MBA
University of Victoria, BA, Psychology
Enderby, BC, Canada|English

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