Schivon Braswell

Content Strategist, Writer

Crafting words that move hearts and minds. Adding sparkle to content through research, wit, and empathy!

Ms. Braswell, also known as Sapphyre Bardot, is a published author, musician, and budding futurist from Chicago with a talent for crafting engaging and impactful writing. With a diverse range of interests, including health and wellness, meditation, hypnosis, technology, spirituality, psychology, philosophy, and entrepreneurship, she brings a unique perspective, an urban edge, and a depth of knowledge to every project. Combining humor, introspection, and empathy allows her to create compelling copy that resonates with readers and leaves a lasting impression. Ms, Braswell is dedicated to helping businesses and organizations elevate their brand through creative and persuasive writing.
Content Types
Article, Blog Post, Social Media, Website Copy, Product Description, Ad/Promotional Copy, Email Newsletter, Presentation, Candid Photography, Explainer Video, Music Video
More Information
Harry S Truman College, ASS
NorthPark University, BS of Nursing
University of Phoenix, AAB

Published Content