Shari Berg

Content Strategist, Copywriter, Ghostwriter, Graphic Designer, Writer

Copywriter/Content Strategist/SEO/Education Writer

Shari is an award-winning writer with more than 25 years of experience.

Before launching The Write Reflection, she worked for a decade as a journalist for several publications covering education and politics. Working as a journalist on a deadline has prepared her for a hectic pace and the ability to produce strong results that are on time, every time.

Her specialties include quick, accurate copywriting; content strategy; public relations; website content; product description; SEO writing; social media management; blogging; and Adobe Creative Suite.
Content Types
Article, Blog Post, Whitepaper, Ebook, Social Media, Website Copy, Interview, Product Description, Press Release, Ad/Promotional Copy, Graphic, Email Newsletter, Presentation, Infographic, Page Layout, Illustration, Landing Page
More Information
University of Pittsburgh, BA-Journalism
Pittsburgh, PA, USA|English, French

Published Content