Davia Gorman

I am "Simply" the ultimate choice for everything from testing, reviewing and teaching how to apply your products from the realms of beauty, skincare, hair, nails and much more!( I love to take on challenges! ) I take the real approach to everything from how to tell your friends to fix those brows, how to rock and strut your perfectly imperfect body, what's the real scoop on all things socially trendy and much more! My goal is to reach out and stand out in a sea of all of the same, I want to be a real source for women can come to...to ask, learn and grow...I believe that we each have to authentically "own" and "love" every part of ourselves, and from that there creates such an powerful, bright, life changing and empowering gift that it's my mission to promote this message! If your looking for an at Home Shopping Network Host and Talking AT people is who your looking for...skip me! I have been born to be a force to be reckoned with and a personality not to miss and someone who is unforgettable! I have spent a lifetime trying to find out where I "fit" in and honestly there is no 9-5 job or career that would be ideal for me!I thrive on being in and around people...laughing, sharing, teaching and reaching out and who would not love being able to share your life with the rest of the world!

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