Vennessa Gatlin


Wicked Product Reviewer

I have been writing on and off as a hobby for over seven years now. I have always loved writing in general and wrote various poems, short stories and articles while in high school but now focus on reviews of products I have tried. My reviews range from cosmetic products to yard care maintenance products. I love sharing how well, or how not so well, a product works and where someone can find this to help them with their needs. Although I have been an avid product reviewer for the past several years I am considering posting up some short stories or poems that I may come up with as well. For the first few I have posted up I stuck with my current writing routine. I hope you enjoy my reviews and that some of these products may be useful for you.
Content Types
Headshot, Guide, Article, General Photo, Recipe, Blog Post
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El Paso, TX, USA|English

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