Jason McLay

Copywriter, Writer

Writing With Conscience

My name is Jason McLay, I am a writer. My passion is in the topics of humanity, spirituality, and health. I like to write about topics that get people to think a little deeper about what it means to be human.

Philosophical questions that have no definitive answer are worth pondering anyway. Life is complicated, interesting, evolving, and when we don't pay it any attention and walk with our heads down or get too wrapped up in the many dramas that life can present us we can lose sight of our humanity.

Spirituality is another area that ties into our life here on Earth. Religions and belief systems can sometimes separate us more than unite us. However, when we set aside our belief systems and consider who we are as spiritual beings we begin to transcend those beliefs and may find more commonality than separation. I love this quote by Wayne Dyer, "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change." At the level of spirit, we are often looking for the same things, and these things are usually about accepting everyone as they are and treating each other with kindness and respect.

Finally the topic of health. Our body is the temple in which we will spend our entire life. While there are many things we can not control there is a surprising amount that we can. It needs to be respected for the amazing bio-suit that it is. We need to listen to its needs, feed it well, allow it to rest, provide it with regular maintenance, and when damage occurs look into the best options to allow it to heal and rebuild. Nutrition, exercise, and a healthy mindset are all tools that can keep the body healthy and live in an optimal state for as long as we can.

My motto is writing with conscience. I like to write all my opinions, suggestions, sales, and advice as if I was talking to my own family. I will present facts with scientific backup. As the science changes, I will do my best to keep my information current too. Opinions will always be stated as such. Conscience is one's moral compass and I care about the content I produce. I want it to work for you, for your audience, and for my own conscientiousness.

If this feels like a match for you I would love to hear about your needs and how we can colaborate together.
Content Types
Product Description, Website Copy, Press Release, Article, Blog Post, Script
More Information
Cambridge University, CELTA English Language Teacher for Adults
Metropolitan State University of Denver, BS Health Sciences
Santa Fe, NM, USA|English

Published Content