arthur ndubi

Content Strategist, Copywriter, Writer

B2C content marketer

I’ve always had an ability to get along with people. An ability to relate to different groups and find the common ground.

Whether you’re the football jock or the pencil neck geek, I can talk to you. Creative and “woo-woo”, or rigorous and scientific, I understand you and speak your language.

This comes from an insatiable curiosity about life. Willingness to question, explore, and reserve judgment until I get all the facts. An ambition to remain teachable and open.

I began looking for a way to give back to the world. To help others overcome their struggles.
A voice inside led me to pursue a degree in Statistics and diploma in sales and marketing. These professions fostered understanding of people and how to gather and interpret data.

Selling and interacting with people was a necessity, and a skill that I became good at in my early days of selling insurance product.

Back in my early days in college studying my degree and selling insurance product, I became interested in copywriting and information marketing.

So when I decided to steer my career towards copywriting, I sought out the best training I could find. That was and is AWAI – American Writers & Artists, Inc.

With AWAI, I honed my skills in High-Performance B2B Copy covering a variety of content types.
I also learned to write effective sales letters and other direct response copy aimed at both business and consumer markets.

And, to keep my skills fresh and up-to-date, I became a member of the Professional Writers’ Alliance and AWAI’s Circle of Success.

All of this and more make me unique in what I do.
Content Types
Blog Post, Buyers Guide, Ebook, Product Description, Press Release
More Information
University Of Eldoret, Bachelor's Degree In Applied Statistics
Location|English, French

Published Content