For as long as I can remember my imagination has run wild. As a child to help me calm down and focus my mom would give me a pencil and paper and I was content. Not to mention my strange obsession with the perfect writing untensil and a crisp college rule piece of paper, however that’s a different story. Throughout the years I’ve tired to focus my attention on different endeavors that I’ve found to be of interest, such as blogging, hair tutorials, cooking, and even sports. However no matter what I try to dedicate my time too I keep coming back to my first love, writing.
At this point in my life, I’m trapped in flip flops and khaki’s living the Florida life. The newest chapter of my story is being a wife, which I absolutely adore. I’m also learning the key fundamentals of multi-tasking with my personal life and secular career. That is just a small glimpse into my life, please follow my writings and I truly hope you enjoy them.
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