I have more than 10 years of writing experience and am able to use that experience in a variety of ways.
My full-time job is in strategic communications for the College of the Liberal Arts at Penn State. In that role, I am responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies for the McCourtney Institute for Democracy. This includes a variety of digital and print content, media outreach, social media, and a forthcoming podcast. I also develop web content and strategy for other departments and units throughout the College, working in conjunction with a cross-functional design and development team.
I hold a bachelor's degree in journalism from Penn State and currently work as an adjunct instructor in the journalism department. I love the opportunity to interact with students and share my love of writing with them throughout the semester.
I am also an active freelance writer for local, national, and international clients. I love to write and look for opportunities to do so as much as I can. Projects I've worked on include news articles, blog posts, and case studies. Links to my work are available at: https://psu.box.com/v/jspinelle.