Love to express facts, ideas, data using the pen to create articles, presentations, blogs, mailers, proposals, job descriptions, etc
25 years of running my own business, creating products, documentation, marketing and selling the solutions have provided me with a deep experience of expressing content in the form of writing.
I regularly blog for my business, create marketing and sales material, write website copies and manage a team of web developers and writers.
I am an entrepreneur making a big impact on business team collaboration and enterprise data management using SaaS solutions architected with Artificial Intelligence, Big Data warehousing, Deep ediscovery, Mobility and Cloud platforms.
I am driven by the passion to create content, solutions, and designs, which can grow value for our customers, partners, and stakeholders.
I believe that all touch points, whether it is for an employee, a prospect, a partner, a vendor or an investor should be high quality and consistent, and what better leverage than technology to get this done.
Content Types
Ad/Promotional Copy, Article, Blog Post, Buyers Guide, Case Study, Commercial, Direct Mail, Ebook, Guide, Presentation, Press Release, Product Description, Website Copy, Whitepaper
More Information
Nowrosjee Wadia college of Science, Pune, Under Graduate
Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune University, Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering (Graduate)
The Bishops High School, Pune (ICSE), Basic schooling, majoring in English