Scott Steinberg

Award-winning lifestyle, business, and consumer trends expert. Bestselling writer on technology, travel, dating, entertainment, fitness, toys, mobile, apps, finance, family, parenting for 600 outlets - CNN to Wired.

Hailed as The Master of Innovation by Fortune magazine, award-winning consumer, business, technology, and lifestyle trends expert Scott Steinberg is one of the world's most celebrated trendspotters, analysts, and strategic innovation consultants, as seen in 600+ outlets from CNN to TIME and The Wall St. Journal. The bestselling author of 14 books, including Make Change Work for You and Parenting High-Tech Kids, and the founder of SELECT: Your City’s Secrets Unlocked (which covers travel, fashion, beauty, food, drink, entertainment, personal finance, cars/automobile, entertainment sports, and wellness trends), the Fortune 500 calls him a "top trendsetter to follow." Scott is the creator of many books on consumer + business products, services, and technologies, and has written several acclaimed guides to topics such as Entertainment, Technology, Social Media, Pop Culture, Family/Parenting, Mobile/Online/Digital Apps, Cloud Services, Consumer Products and Services, Business Products and Services, Personal Finance, Family and Parenting, Online Safety + Privacy, Music, Small Business Trends, Innovation, Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations (PR), Digital Media and more.
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