Welcome to our interview series, Behind the Byline! Here, we pick the brains of the fantastic creators and writers who contribute to our ClearVoice Team.

In this episode of Behind the Byline, we’re talking to Arthur McMahon. Arthur is an accomplished editor, writer, and SEO strategist. He’s also a Producer for ClearVoice and the Lead Editor at Backpackers.com.

Let’s dive into his comprehensive journey through the content creation realm.

Arthur McMahon: Writer, Editor, SEO Strategist

In our interview, Arthur talks about what got him into the world of content marketing and his freelancing career journey.

He shares insights on managing writer teams across various industries, brainstorming content ideas, and campaigns, and employing advanced keyword research techniques to craft articles that achieve top rankings. He also talks about what draws him to writing and where he finds inspiration in his life as a freelancer.

We also break down what he does to adapt his communication and writing style to clients in different industries and how he tailors his content to specific audiences. And he talks about his love of the Hemingway Editor App and UberSuggest as tools to support his content creation.

Finally, he shares his thoughts about his 2,650-mile journey on the Pacific Crest Trail and some valuable lessons he learned from that life-changing experience.

Arthur Takes the ClearVoice Questionnaire

In this video, Arthur takes the CV Questionnaire. He shares his use of Reddit, being the household chef, and his belief that early mornings are the peak time for creativity.

Need Content? Talk to Us!

Written content is the backbone of any brand. The best content can captivate your audience and drive conversions. Regardless of the medium, a talented freelance writer can mean the difference between a successful marketing campaign and one that falls flat.

At ClearVoice, we know how critical it is to find the right freelance writer for your content creation. That’s why we’ve curated a network of thousands of vetted freelance writers ready to help your business drive results with better content. We find, vet, and manage top freelance writers in your industry so you don’t have to. Talk to a content strategist today to see how we can help you produce elite-level content that propels your brand’s success.

Catch more of our Behind the Byline interviews with amazing freelancers today!