Welcome to our interview series, Behind the Byline! Here we take a glimpse behind the curtain at some of the fantastic writers and creators who contribute to our ClearVoice team.

In this episode of Behind the Byline, we talk with freelance writer Chase Maser. Chase became a member of the ClearVoice Talent Network back when we first launched the company in 2014!

In his interview, Chase explains why a project brief is one of the most powerful tools for writers, how content marketing influenced his novel, and gives advice to new writers ready to embark on their freelance writing careers.

Chase Maser: Freelance Writer

We start with Chase by chatting about what it was like to join ClearVoice at the very beginning! He talks about transitioning from writing fiction and poetry to building a career slowly from his first client (wine coolers!).

Chase then dives into his favorite tools and techniques that help him stay successful. He explains the importance of using a brief as a starting point and making sure his sources are legitimately authoritative.

He also shares his love of photography and contemporary art as content topics. Then, we talk about what he does to adapt his communication style, depending on the industry or client. And he emphasizes the critical role that authenticity and being yourself play in his successful relationships with clients.

Finally, he gives some advice to people just starting on their freelancing journey and explains why you need to have patience in your pursuit.

Then, we end with a great Paul Newman quote from The Color of Money – “Be yourself but on purpose.”

Chase’s ClearVoice Questionnaire

Don’t miss Chase taking our CV Questionnaire! He talks about his love of photography, starting his own company, and the power of making coffee.

Expert Writers Produce Expert Content

Chase is just one of our vetted, quality freelancers here at ClearVoice. Our Talent Network has 4,000+ writers and creators across 200+ business categories. From basic B2C writing to highly technical content, we connect you with proven, experienced talent that fits your needs and budget. Connect with us here to see how we can help you produce quality content for your brand.

Catch more of our Behind the Byline interviews with amazing freelancers today!