Welcome to our exclusive video series, Behind the Byline! Here, we pull back the curtain and dive into the stories of the incredible writers and creators who power our ClearVoice team.

In this episode of Behind the Byline, we talk to journalist and freelance writer, Paul Dughi. Paul has over twenty years of experience and is a valued member of the ClearVoice Talent Network.

Paul Dughi: Journalist and Writer

In his revealing interview, Paul Dughi shares the intriguing journey of how he transitioned from dabbling in content marketing as a side project to thriving in it as a full-fledged career. He delves into his deep passion for both the business and tech sectors, explaining why he believes they naturally come together to create innovative solutions.

He also talks about how staying on top of current tech trends is almost a full-time job in itself, sharing his strategies for conducting research and gathering information. Then, he shares his thoughts on the hot topic of AI-generated content and what you can do as a freelance to keep pace with its evolution. And he explains why he thinks human oversight is still essential.

Finally, we explore how his client inspired him to write his book “The Comprehensive Guide to SEO.” Then, talk about bridging the gap between quality content that also converts and is written for search engines.

Paul Takes the ClearVoice Questionnaire

Watch Paul answer the “hard” questions with our CV Questionnaire. He talks about being surprisingly good at tech, his morning routine, and pushing out of your comfort zone.

Looking for Expert Writers?

Regardless of your industry, having the right writers in your content creation is essential. That’s why we’ve created a network of thousands of vetted freelance writers ready to help your business drive results with better content. We find, vet, and manage top freelance writers in your industry so you don’t have to.

Whether you need subject matter expertise, ad copy, or highly technical content, we have the writer to match your needs and budget. Talk to a content specialist today to see how we can take your written content to the next level.

Catch more of our Behind the Byline interviews with amazing freelancers today!