Content audits are essential for identifying what’s working and what’s not in your content strategy. Although you might be tempted to skip content audits, doing so can negatively impact your brand’s reputation. A thorough content audit ensures your content is effective, addresses user expectations, follows SEO best practices, complies with regulations, and aligns with overall business goals.

We’re going to take a behind-the-scenes look at how we conduct content audits here at ClearVoice. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to conduct effective content audits that can transform your content strategy.

ClearVoice’s Content Audit Process

According to Semrush, one-third of content marketers conduct content audits at least twice a year. Let’s dive deep into the strategies and methodologies that help us ensure our content is not only effective but truly exceptional. From SEO optimization to design evaluation, we’ll show you how we scrutinize every aspect of our content to meet user expectations, adhere to best practices, and align with broader business goals. 

And if you’re not sure where to start, follow our guide on how to perform a content audit.

SEO optimization

When auditing content, we look for more than just what works SEO-wise; we also seek opportunities to enhance user experience and boost audience engagement. Remember, SEO is still an extremely important component of your content strategy. The #1 result in Google’s organic search results gets 27.6% of all clicks

Some of the SEO tools and techniques we use include:

  • Google Analytics and Semrush: These tools help us analyze keywords, search engine rankings, performance metrics, and competitive gaps.
  • Ongoing keyword strategy updates: We continuously update our keyword strategy to reflect search algorithm changes and shifting user preferences.

Content strategy review

Marketers who set goals are 377% more successful than those who don’t. Regular content audits evaluate whether our strategy aligns with broader business objectives. They help ensure each piece of content we produce generates traffic and supports strategic goals. 

To verify alignment, we assess:

  • Content themes
  • Messaging consistency
  • Content effectiveness (i.e., user engagement and conversions)

Design evaluation

The right visuals make content more appealing and engaging, keeping users coming back for more. Plus, every dollar invested in UX design yields a $100 return. We review readability and user experience (UX) elements, such as accessibility, layout, font sizes, color schemes, and image quality. 

Some UX best practices for content design that we closely follow include:

  • Clear headings
  • Concise language
  • Consistent layout
  • Responsive design
  • Use of interactive media

Competitor analysis

Bill Gates once said, “Whether it’s Google or Apple or free software, we’ve got some fantastic competitors and it keeps us on our toes.” Competitive content analysis provides insights into the areas our competitors are good at and where they’re lacking. The goal isn’t to duplicate what they’re doing but to identify opportunities we can leverage.

Analyzing competitor content can surface insights such as:

  • Whether peers are covering industry trending topics
  • Which content formats they seldom use
  • The effectiveness of their SEO (e.g., link-building and keyword usage)
  • The best ways to infuse unique angles on common topics

Audience engagement review

How do we know our content resonates with the people we want to reach? By examining engagement metrics and gathering audience feedback using tools like surveys and social media. Engagement metrics are the primary metrics that 79% of marketers track regularly on social media.

Examples of metrics we track to gauge content impact include:

  • Bounce rates
  • Pageviews
  • Average time on page
  • Conversion rates
  • Comments
  • Social shares

Unleashing the True Power of Content

At ClearVoice, content audits are a collaborative endeavor. They make use of insights from SEO specialists, marketing strategists, data analysts, and content creators to paint a complete picture of how our content is performing. 

If you’re ready to uncover your content’s true potential, we can help. Connect with a ClearVoice expert today.

And if you want to take our approach with you, you can download it here.