Welcome to the ClearVoice Team Spotlight video series! 

In these videos, we take a peek behind the curtain at some of the amazing talent that makes our ClearVoice team what it is. 

Madison Bakalar: Content Project Manager

In this ClearVoice Team Spotlight episode, Madison Bakalar steps into the limelight. Focusing on delivering successful content and her specific role, Madison offers an in-depth perspective on delivering quality content, brand development, and editorial support.

We talk about wearing the many hats of a Content Project Manager, diving into how she works directly with clients while also sourcing freelancers for their content. Madison talks about how her past experience as an editor informs her emphasis on being detail-oriented and overcommunicating. 

Then, Madison discusses the importance of embracing change and staying agile in the ever-evolving world of content marketing. She breaks down some of the most common mistakes she sees content teams and customers making. And she emphasizes how critical a brand style guide is to producing superior content and keeping everyone on the same page. 

Finally, she shares her unique background working in a wide array of industries and how shapes her approach to her work. 

Madison’s ClearVoice Questionnaire

Watch Madison finish her ClearVoice Team Spotlight episode by taking our ClearVoice Questionnaire! She talks about her love of baking video reels on Instagram, gluten-free baking, and the power of breaks and good meals. 

Collaborate with Content Experts

At ClearVoice, we pride ourselves on assembling a diverse team of experts dedicated to enhancing your business outcomes through top-tier content. Our rigorous selection process ensures we partner you with professionals who excel in your industry, streamlining your journey toward achieving exceptional content marketing success.

So whether you need one blog post or an entire strategy and content campaign, ClearVoice has you covered. Our vast Talent Network of 4,000+ proven, expert creators across 200+ industries means you get the exact creators that fit your needs and budget. 

Connect with us today to get started.

Catch more of our interviews with the ClearVoice team members today!