What is a content mission statement?

A content mission statement is your content strategy “north star.” Your Big Why. It is a statement you craft with your sales and marketing teams to ensure that all of the content you create is in service of not only your company mission but also your sales and marketing objectives. It will inform all of your content decisions and help you build your content strategy.

Without a content strategy, you’ll only be publishing content for the sake of publishing content.

Why is having a content mission statement so important?

Without a content strategy, you’ll only be publishing content for the sake of publishing content. That can lead to content that is, at best, inconsistent and not aligned with your brand and, at worst, runs the risk of alienating your target audience. But it’s not enough to know what content you’re creating, when, and how.

You have to know why.

Of course, you’re creating content because everyone’s creating content, and you have to stay relevant. But is your content intended to inform? Educate? Entertain? And why is that your intent?

Your content  and by extension, your content strategy — will not be effective if you don’t know what you hope to achieve with it. As an example, what are your sales goals for this quarter? How can your content support that? And how can your content provide value to your target audience in such a way that it also supports your company’s mission and vision?

How do you craft your content mission statement?

How do you craft your content mission statement?

Much like your company’s mission statement, you’ll start off by asking yourself some important questions.

  • What is the company’s mission? The company vision?
  • Who are you trying to reach (buyer personas)?
  • What business goals will you address with your content?
  • What are your content objectives?

When you’ve compiled the answers to these, you can use them to pull together your content mission statement. (And remember, mission and vision are your micro and macro, respectively. Your mission is what you do today to serve the overall vision or big picture.)

From there, you’ll want to share it with your sales and marketing teams to ensure alignment. Get feedback and make any necessary tweaks. As you start to receive data from your content, you may need to update your content strategy, but never lose sight of your why.

Marketing — and in particular, content marketing — is an iterative process. But as long as your mission guides you, you can make decisions that support your brand and goals.

What’s the difference between a company mission statement and a content mission statement?

Your company’s mission statement will help you craft your content mission statement, but the content mission statement serves a different purpose: to inform your content strategy.

  • Your company’s mission statement is the company’s Big Why.
  • Your content mission statement is your content’s Big Why.
  • And your content strategy is the What, When, and How.

With ClearVoice as your managed content solution, you can turn over the keys to your content castle and trust us to take care of your content needs.

Can ClearVoice help with my content mission statement?

You bet! With ClearVoice as your managed content solution, you can turn over the keys to your content castle and trust us to take care of your content needs. Our managed content creation and expert team can help you craft the perfect statements that boost your brand’s authority and awareness. Not only that, we’ll also create content that serves your mission and vision while helping you crush your content goals.

Your content plan is completely unique to your brand and your resources, so you’re never paying for content you don’t need or won’t use. All while being brand-aligned and SEO-friendly.

Don’t sweat the big stuff! Let ClearVoice take content off your plate so you can focus on what you do best — taking care of your customers. Talk to a content strategist today!