You research for weeks, weed through data, scour countless case studies, and find all the best statistics to create a massive guide. You just know your audience is going to love it.

And then…nothing happens. The traffic is dismal. The views are low. But you know it’s good content. So, what happened?

The fallout may be in your content distribution strategy. Maybe you had an effective content distribution strategy in place before that brought the traffic pouring in. But, the content marketing world is constantly changing.

So, how can you refine your content distribution strategy so your content gets to the right places?

It’s time to audit, strategize, and tweak your plan.

content distribution strategy

What is a content distribution strategy?

First, what is a content distribution strategy?

A content distribution strategy is how you share your content across different channels.

For example, you write four articles. You can share those articles on your blog, LinkedIn publishing, and on a platform like Medium.

But it doesn’t stop there. There are so many ways to repurpose and distribute your content.

Articles can become downloadable eBooks or PDFs, Slideshare presentations, or even webinars. Small sections of your articles can be turned into social media posts and video scripts.

The question is – how do you know what are the best channels for you?

That’s where a content audit can really help. Conducting an audit of your content distribution every few months can help you stay up to date and keep the traffic coming.

Talk to a ClearVoice content strategist!

How to refine your content distribution strategy

Sixty percent of marketers create one piece of content each day. If you want to compete, you don’t want to drop the ball with your distribution strategy.

Are you getting fewer leads and less traffic than you used to? Check your content. If the quality is still great, then it is time to re-evaluate your distribution methods.

Analyze Content Distribution Strategy

1. Analyze

Check your website traffic, your social media engagement, your sales, and any analytics you have available. Evaluate what is working and what is not.

Are there areas where numbers have decreased? Are there new potential channels that you could be using?

Also, check what is not working for your business as far as time and money go. Maybe social media ads are working, but they cost too much. Perhaps blogging is bringing in traffic but consuming too much time.

You can adjust everything as needed. Maybe a better, more engaging graphic could reduce your ad spend. Outsourcing your blog writing could get you your time back.

Track your findings so you can move on to the next step.

Strategize Content Distribution Strategy

2. Strategize

You have researched what is working and what isn’t. Now you can take that information to develop a more effective content distribution strategy.

Start with your home base (most likely your website). You want to start with “real estate” you own. Algorithms change on outlets that others control, like social media channels, so it is best to start with content on your website.

That will be your base and then you can distribute that content to other channels from there.

What content type and when?

Ask yourself some questions about your audience and what you found during your audit. Does your audience prefer written content, videos, or visual graphics?

It’s better to start with a few distribution channels and be consistent. This lets you test in a focused way instead of distributing your content everywhere haphazardly. Remember, quality over quantity.

Visual brands do well on visual platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. If your company is great at making engaging videos, YouTube could be an excellent channel for you.

If your audience loves downloading written content, consider turning your most popular posts into downloadable PDFs or eBooks. Consider how your audience wants to receive content and let that inform your distribution channels.

Next, check your analytics for the times that people are engaging. The problem could be not just where the content is being distributed but when. There are general guidelines online about when to post, but every audience is different, so do your research and find your posting times.

What’s the budget and method?

Go over your content budget with your team. How much do you have to allocate to paid promotion versus organic?

If you can mix some paid and organic distribution methods, you will reach a wider audience. The key is to focus on content that is already popular and then give that content a boost. Align your strategy with your sales goals.

When budgeting for paid distribution opportunities, you may consider the following:

  • Ads on social media
  • Pay-Per-Click ads
  • Influencer content
  • Sponsored content

And don’t forget about forums and online communities when deciding on your distribution methods. If you have someone on your team who can take the time to be active and helpful in online communities, you can get some free traffic to your content.

Formulate a new plan based on effective channels, your overall budget, sales goals, and your particular audience and posting times. Then build your content calendar, putting in your content creation needs and distribution plan. If you need help with that, you can download our content calendar workbook.

Don’t forget to set and track marketing goals for your content so you know if you are hitting the mark or not.

Tweak Content Distribution Strategy

3. Tweak

Once you put your new distribution strategy in place, it’s time to tweak it. Always test and keep checking those numbers.

Also, don’t change things too quickly. Give each new strategy time to work before you change anything while you consistently grow and tweak. The work never ends. Ask yourself how you can make each piece of content and distribution method more streamlined and effective. Keep the channels that work best in your distribution arsenal, but don’t be afraid to try new approaches and channels from time to time, too.

It’s a balance.

Get Help with Your Content Distribution

At ClearVoice, we’ve helped companies build successful strategies for over a decade. If you’re looking to expand your reach, our content distribution solutions build your authority, enhance your brand, and position you as a leading voice in your industry.

We also know it doesn’t matter what your distribution strategy is if you don’t have great content. Our customized content creation plans can accelerate your ROI and keep your business growing and thriving. Talk to a strategist today to see how.