Behind the buzzword “ESG” are a lot of complexities that need to be communicated clearly. Too often, financial brands have faced scandals over greenwashing or false ESG claims, which not only lead to regulatory fines but also hurt their reputation.

That’s why it’s so important to hand your ESG content over to experts who really understand the subject beyond just the jargon. We’re here to show you how to build a smart content strategy and connect with skilled financial and sustainability writers to create content tailored to your brand.

Sustainability, impact, and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors are all about making sure investments are handled responsibly and sustainably

ESG — what’s it all about? 

Sustainability, impact, and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors are all about making sure investments are handled responsibly and sustainably. They add an extra layer of consideration to the decision-making process so that people’s savings are invested with a positive impact in mind.

Even though regulations vary from place to place, ESG has become a key part of how banks and asset managers in the US, Europe, and other major economies approach their investments and governance practices.

McKinsey says more than 90 percent of  S&P 500 companies publish ESG reports. For investment banks in particular, integrating ESG provides an opportunity to:

  • Attract and retain clients who prioritize sustainable investing
  • Demonstrate a commitment to responsible investing and risk management
  • Differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace
  • Build trust and loyalty through transparency

Why ESG Matters

The push to tackle big issues like climate change and social inequality has made ESG a top priority for investors and companies everywhere, especially when it comes to:

    • Company performance and risk management: According to an Oxford University meta-study, over 88 percent of reviewed studies show that prudent sustainability practices positively influence operational performance.
    • Regulatory compliance and pressure: Regulators globally are enacting more mandates around ESG disclosures and risk management in finance. Regulations like the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in the EU already require firm ESG reporting.
    • Changing investor preferences: Investor demand for sustainable offerings is surging: according to PwC, global assets under management in ESG-related portfolios will increase to $33.9tn in 2026 from $18.4tn in 2021. 
  • Reputational benefits: Companies perceived as leaders in ESG benefit from enhanced public trust and reputation, heightened employee satisfaction, and stronger investor confidence.
  • Talent acquisition and retention: ESG is now a key talent draw. A KPMG survey found that 46 percent of professionals want their company to demonstrate a commitment to ESG. 

ESG and Content Marketing — why should you care? 

Content marketing is a great way to share your firm’s ESG commitments with your clients and the public. It helps you:

  • Educate stakeholders: Content like whitepapers, videos, and webinars can break down complex ESG concepts for clients and demystify sustainable finance.
  • Demonstrate thought leadership: By publishing insights and research around emerging ESG trends, you can establish your businesses’ credentials as a go-to authority on sustainable investment.
  • Highlight ESG initiatives: Content gives you a platform to demonstrate your firm’s offerings and operations are evolving to integrate principles like decarbonization, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Promote sustainable offerings: Banks can use content to market ESG-aligned products and services like green bonds, impact funds, and sustainability-linked loans.
  • Attract ESG-minded investors: Targeted content campaigns can reach customers concerned with carbon footprint and climate risk, driving engagement.

Creating Content That Promotes Responsible Investing

Creating Content That Promotes Responsible Investing

When creating ESG-focused content, it’s important to make sure your message clearly shows your organization’s commitment to responsible investing. Here are a few key elements to include to make your content stand out:

  • Defining ESG: Concisely explain what ESG means at your organization. Is the focus on emissions reduction? Community development? Ethics and transparency? Be specific.
  • Adopting a Stakeholder Mindset: Recognize clients, employees, and communities may have different ESG interests. Customize content accordingly.
  • Focusing on Authenticity: Being transparent about challenges and gaps in your ESG journey builds trust and understanding.
  • Maintaining Consistency: Establish a cadence for releasing ESG content updates, whether quarterly or annually. Consistency builds authority.
  • Simplifying Complex Concepts: Break down wonky ESG terminology and data using simple language, helpful analogies, and clear visuals.
  • Aligning with Company Values: Demonstrate how ESG ties directly to your bank’s purpose, mission, and ethos. The fit should be seamless, not forced.

Using Content to Educate and Engage ESG-Conscious Clients

Using Content to Educate and Engage ESG-Conscious Clients

You can use content across multiple formats and platforms to increase ESG awareness and engagement by developing content across a range of verticals: 

Long-form educational content: Create guides, eBooks, and white papers that dive deep into ESG topics, perfect for clients who want to learn on their own. You could cover things like:

  • The business case for ESG integration
  • Climate risk modeling techniques
  • Reporting standards like GRI and SASB
  • Sustainable development goals and stakeholder capitalism

Advertorials or testimonials: Share interviews with clients explaining why they chose your firm’s ESG solutions. Peer validation is always powerful.

Webinars: Host live presentations to walk clients through ESG topics and answer their questions. These events help build stronger connections.

Email and newsletters: Send regular emails with ESG insights, data, and updates. You can even offer clients the option to subscribe to dedicated ESG content.

Social media: Use platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to share ESG news, program highlights, infographics, and videos. Encourage discussions and engagement.

Thought leadership: Share ESG insights in top industry publications and speak at key conferences. Position your executives as thought leaders in the field.

Case studies: Highlight real client success stories that show the measurable ROI from your ESG offerings, like reduced emissions or improved risk management.

Positioning Your Bank as a Leader in Sustainable Finance

Your bank can strengthen its reputation as a leader in sustainable finance by using smart content strategies that showcase real ESG actions and engage your audience. Here’s how:

Showcase ESG Initiatives and Successes

Share measurable results like achievements in renewable energy projects, emission reductions, or sustainable bonds. Highlight partnerships with NGOs, publicize any ESG awards, and share customer and community testimonials. Be transparent about challenges and lessons learned along the way.

Position Your Executives as ESG Thought Leaders

Have your leadership team write articles for sustainability publications, secure speaking spots at major ESG events, and get involved in high-profile climate initiatives. Promote their expertise through media appearances and thought leadership pieces to establish them as trusted voices in ESG.

Transparent Reporting

Publish an annual sustainability report that is easily accessible to all stakeholders. Be open about key metrics like emissions, recycled waste, volunteer hours, and sustainable financing projects.

Responsible Marketing

Make sure your ESG claims are clear, specific, and backed by data. Get independent verification for your sustainability reports to build credibility.

Best Practices for Integrating ESG into Your Content Strategy

Best Practices for Integrating ESG into Your Content Strategy

Beyond individual ESG content pieces, long-term success depends on weaving sustainability into your entire content approach. Here’s how:

  • Define ESG Focus Areas and Metrics: Identify the main ESG topics your content will focus on and determine how you’ll measure success in these areas. Track things like emissions reduced through green bond financing or employee volunteer rates.
  • Conduct an ESG Content Audit: Take a look at your past content. Where are the gaps in ESG coverage? Pinpoint areas that could benefit from an ESG refresh and map out an editorial calendar to bring more ESG-focused content to your channels.
  • Set Public Goals: Share clear, ambitious ESG targets for the next few years — whether it’s increasing renewable energy financing or improving diversity in your workforce. Public goals keep you accountable and show your commitment.
  • Align Messaging Across Channels: Make sure your ESG messaging is consistent across your website, social media, thought leadership, and events. Consistency builds trust and authority in the space.
  • Engage Cross-Functional Teams: Involve people from different areas — communications, marketing, product, compliance — to plan your ESG content. A holistic approach ensures better alignment and execution.
  • Educate Your Staff on ESG: Provide training on sustainability topics so your employees can confidently talk about your bank’s ESG efforts during customer interactions. Everyone should be well-versed in your ESG goals.
  • Leverage Multimedia Formats: Make ESG content engaging by using a variety of formats — videos, infographics, podcasts, or even quizzes. This makes complex topics more accessible to a wider audience.
  • Promote Your Content: Don’t just post ESG content on your site and wait for people to find it. Actively promote it through social media, email marketing, and partnerships to boost visibility and engagement.
  • Measure Engagement: Track metrics like page views, downloads, email clicks, or quiz completions to see how your audience is interacting with your ESG content. Use these insights to fine-tune your strategy.

By focusing on authenticity, transparency, and consistency in your ESG content strategy, your bank can build credibility and truly position itself as a leader in sustainable finance.

From Commitment to Impact: Kickstart Your ESG Content Journey 

Are you ready to develop a high-impact ESG content strategy tailored to your banking firm’s actions? Our expert financial and sustainability writers at ClearVoice know how to communicate truthfully and accurately. 

Connect with a content strategist to start your bank’s journey toward purpose-driven content leadership.