The groundhog saw his shadow, so you know what that means — six more weeks of digital marketing research and studies! Check out this month’s report for information about which social platform influencers are flocking to. You’ll also find details about which media rivals television in terms of consumption time, and you will see data that documents which lead-scoring techniques B2B companies are struggling with.
And if that weren’t enough, we’ll even throw in a little data to help you feel better about the fact that you aren’t the only one who doesn’t really know what the metaverse is.
Digital content marketing studies and research:
Study: Only 1 in 5 brands know what the metaverse means for their company.
Your company probably doesn’t really understand what the metaverse means for the brand. In fact, only about 18% of brands say they understand how the metaverse will impact them. However, this won’t be an acceptable answer for any brand that plans to have a digital presence in the years to come.
About half of the respondents of a recent survey say they “somewhat” understand how the metaverse will impact their brands — while more than one-third of respondents say they don’t know how their brands will be affected by the metaverse.
B2C content marketing studies and research:
U.S. teens spend more than half of their media consumption time on user-created video content.
The evolution away from traditional media and toward user-created media is becoming more and more pronounced — particularly among teens. In fact, a new report details that teens are now spending more than half of their media consumption time on user-created video content rather than on traditional content — like television.
For all audiences, roughly 40 percent of their weekly media hours are now spent on user-created video, while about 60 percent of their media time is spent on traditional channels.
B2B content marketing studies and research:
Your sales team is the biggest inhibitor to B2B lead-scoring success.
If your B2B lead-scoring efforts aren’t as successful as you think they could be, don’t take it too hard — just blame the sales team. If they push back, just show them these receipts: B2B marketing executives say the most-prominent reason why an organization struggles with lead-scoring is because of the struggle to get widespread adoption from the sales team. Of the executives surveyed, only about one-third claim they “have full confidence in their ability to accurately score leads.”
Social media content marketing studies and research:
Facebook’s drop in daily active users is a first for the social media behemoth.
You probably are aware that Facebook’s growth — particularly in North America — has mostly stagnated for some time. However, after the release of their Q4 2021 numbers, Facebook wishes that “stagnate” was still the word to describe their growth. For the first time, Facebook actually lost daily active users — by a full million. Though Meta saw growth in its Facebook app in terms of monthly users, some are concerned that the decrease of daily active users is a foreboding sample of what is to come.