After analyzing 2.2 million+ bylined articles in Finance via our VoiceGraph index, we found a continuing financial content marketing trend toward longer articles. In the period from 2014-2019, the percentage of long-form Finance articles (those over 1,500 words) used in finance content marketing strategy nearly doubled, although about half of all Finance articles were still short and sweet (300-600 words).

When we looked at data across other major industries, we found word count trends in Finance to be close to the average for major industries in each word count range.

Download our ebook to see more data insights on:

  • Which word count ranges get 3x more traffic than others?
  • Which word count ranges had the least number of “0 shares” on social media?
  • What is the distribution of articles in Finance categories?
  • What are the typical article word counts in the Finance content marketing industry?
  • How does Finance compare to other industries?
  • How have Finance article word counts changed?

Word count ranges studied:

  • 300-600
  • 601-900
  • 901-1,200
  • 1,201-1,500
  • 1,501-2,000
  • 2,001-3,000
  • 3,000+



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