After analyzing 1.6 million+ bylined articles in software and technology via our VoiceGraph index, we found a continuing trend toward longer articles. In the period from 2014-2019, the percentage of all long-form articles (those over 1,500 words) had the highest rate of growth. Articles over 3,000 words more than doubled.

Download our ebook to see more data insights on:

  • Which word count ranges get 3x more traffic than others?
  • Which word count ranges had the least number of “0 shares” on social media?
  • What is the distribution of articles in software and technology categories?
  • What are the typical article word counts in the software and technology industry?
  • How does software and technology compare to other industries?
  • How have software and technology article word counts changed?

Word count ranges studied:

  • 300-600
  • 601-900
  • 901-1,200
  • 1,201-1,500
  • 1,501-2,000
  • 2,001-3,000
  • 3,000+



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